What's involved in the treatment?


- breath work

- lymphatic drainage

- upper spinal, neck and shoulder massage

- facial sculpting

- intra-oral buccal massage

- scalp tension relief

- alginate mask 

- whole body and nervous system relaxation

And many more special touches that you will have to come and experience for yourself!

Does it hurt?

Not at all! It's a luxurious hands on facial massage incorporating both slow and repetitive movement and faster vibrational movements that sends you to another world! NeoLifting also incorporates breath work to balance the nervous system, so during your treatment you will experience overall relaxation and release. Although because we are working on areas with built up tension, some movements can feel uncomfortable. Think about when you go to a physio or osteo, and they massage out the tension in your muscles. But overall you will experience harmonization of the mind and body. 

Who is Neolifting suitable for?

Anyone and almost everyone! This treatment is a beautiful gift for yourself or even for a loved one. 

Who can’t have neolifting?

Depending on the severity or time frames of some conditions, you may not be suitable for Neolifting. We may be able to adjust your treatment or we may require doctor's approval for you to experience this treatment. Please notify us before making your booking if any of these apply. 

  • Pregnancy 
  • Cancer 
  • Local infection or irritation 
  • Inflammatory skin conditions 
  • Thyroid conditions
  • Severe hypertension
  • Heart conditions
  • Epilepsy
  • Lymphatic / lymph node conditions
  • Spinal conditions
  • Anti Wrinkle / fillers / threads
  • Facial procedures in the last 3 months

If I have had fillers / cosmetic injectables am I still suitable for Neolifting?

You can get NeoLifting if you have had cosmetic injectables or dermal fillers we just need to make sure that your Neolifting treatment is at least 5 weeks after you’ve had these cosmetic procedures. We allow this time to ensure that the cosmetic treatments have settled in the skin. Neolifting is a great natural alternative to these cosmetic procedures by strengthening and stimulating the neural pathways of facial muscles to reverse their structural aging. Neolifting is a great option for those who aren't eligible or who are scared of cosmetic injectables. By taking a holistic approach we aim to achieve natural beauty without the pain and harmful substances or side effects that come with cosmetic injectables. 

How often should I have the treatment?

NeoLifting has a cumulative effect. While results can be seen after just 1 session, the more frequent  and consistent your treatments are, the more noticeable and long lasting your results will be. This is because the NeoLifting technique aims to retrain the muscles of the face to reverse their structural ageing. The more we are able to stimulate and strengthen these neural pathways, the more the muscles will relearn. For the best results, it is recommended to have 6-8 weekly treatments, then 1 month maintenance treatments. 

Picture this, if you go to the gym once, you won't instantly get those killer abs! Whereas if you keep working at it consistently you will get results. 

How long until I see results?

Everyone will respond differently and results can vary from person to person. Each muscle holds different areas and amounts of tension and may take their own time to relax and relearn. 

Even after one treatment, you will feel nurtured, light and refreshed, relieved of your tension, reduced puffiness, rejuvenation, improved skin quality and facial posture and so much more! 

Can I have it as a once off?

This treatment is also perfect to have as a once off, especially before an event. It is an incredible wedding facial which will leave you looking refreshed, glowing and toned, and is the ultimate reset- balancing your nervous system, and kickstarting your lymphatics and circulation so that you can function at your best.

Is this still treating the skin or skin conditions?

While it's not targeted specifically at treating your skin concerns, Neolifting includes a range of luxurious and nourishing products and ingredients to enhance overall skin health and hydration. Because we are also stimulating your internal systems this can remove toxins and increase tissue nourishment, ultimately resulting in healthier, cleaner and happier skin. This treatment incorporates aspects of a facial, including cleansing, alginate mask, targeted treatment lotions and potions.

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