Cosmetic Tattoo Information
If you are booked in for a cosmetic tattoo or consultation, you MUST READ ALL OF THE INFOMATION BELOW BEFORE YOUR APPOINTMENT and any time before future appointments if you need to clarify any information on our cosmetic tattoo procedure process.
Cosmetic Tattoo Eligibility Checklist
Please advise The Beauty Extract BEFORE ANY cosmetic tattoo appointment if any of these apply.
Depending on what you flag or the severity you may not be suitable for a cosmetic tattoo. Written consent from your doctor may need to be provided or your tattoo will not be able to be performed.
If your circumstances change prior to your appointments, and if any of the below becomes applicable or changes, please advise us as soon as possible as this may result in a loss of eligibility for the cosmetic tattoo and a loss of your booking deposit.
Are any of these points applicable or have been relevant to you?
For all Tattoo bookings please ensure you have read and follow the following:
Non-refundable Booking Fee Deposit
A $200 deposit is required to secure your initial tattoo appointment. All other tattoo bookings require a deposit of 50% of the service fee at the time of booking. These deposits are non-refundable if you cancel or reschedule within 48 hours of your appointment time. Your booking is not confirmed until you have paid your booking deposit. You can book online or by calling the salon on (03) 9119 5678. Please have your card details ready so your booking deposit can be paid, and your appointment confirmed.
Pregnant / Breastfeeding
The Beauty Extract advises against being tattooed while pregnant. If you are breastfeeding you will need to pump and dump at least twice before you can resume breastfeeding your baby following your tattoo procedure. You should confirm this with the pharmacist who provides you with the anaesthetic cream.
Drugs / Medications
If you are using ROACCUTANE or RETIN A medicine, you must cease these drugs for at least 6 months prior to being tattooed.
Please inform us of ANY medications you are taking, as some may be a contraindication to cosmetic tattooing. Please check with your doctor regarding medications or medical conditions, as in some cases we will require a letter of approval from your doctor to proceed with the procedure.
You must notify The Beauty Extract if any of your medications, medical history or health changes at least 48 hours prior to any treatment given.
Facials / Botox
Cease using any peels, vitamin A, glycolic, AHAs, Laser or strong exfoliation on the area which will be getting tattooed, at least 2 weeks before every tattoo appointment. Your skin may still be healing / shedding from these treatments / products and as a tattoo is treated like a wound, too much stimulation / trauma to the skin at once could result in a reaction and rejection of the pigment.
After your tattoo, you must wait a minimum of 3 weeks until undergoing a facial / peel / laser or using any strong products. Please make sure your therapist is aware that you CAN NOT use any strong peels / treatments / laser / IPL near the tattooed area as it could impact on the tattoo colour and longevity. This applies for general maintenance of the tattoo also.
LED treatments and other skin treatments can be performed sooner ONLY by The Beauty Extract, as we know what treatments wont effect the tattoo and know how to work around the area particularly if it is still healing.
Botox or fillers should be done at least 4 weeks prior to or can be performed 4 weeks after your tattoo appointment.
Alcohol / Caffeine
Do not consume any alcohol within the 48 hours before your procedure.
Do not consume any caffeine within the 24 hours before your procedure.
Having alcohol or caffeine in your system can thin your blood and increase bleeding, which can blur hairstrokes and reduce absorption of the pigment.
You must not have any illicit drugs for at least 72 hours before procedure.
Nurofen / Blood Thinners / Aspirin
Please avoid Nurofen and similar types of blood thinning medicines for at least 48 hours prior to getting your tattoo. If your doctor has advised you to take these medications DO NOT stop taking them, but we will require a letter of approval from your doctor to enable the procedure to go ahead. These blood thinning medications make you more prone to bleeding which can impact on the retention of the pigment and overall healing. If necessary, Panadol may be taken. Fish oil supplements can thin the blood, so it is advised to stop taking these at least 2 weeks prior to any cosmetic tattoo appointment. You may resume after the tattoo procedure.
If you suffer from any anxiety disorders, please consider carefully if this treatment is suitable for you. The entire process can take at least 12 weeks for full completion. The Beauty Extract will not be liable for any matters resulting from you choosing to stop the procedure prior to completion.
Remember your skin is a living organ, and the tattoo pigment is designed to lighten and change in time, please have realistic expectations. Morgan will be very up front about expectations, which may or may not be able to be met for any reason.
Tanning / Sunburn
It is recommended that you avoid applying fake tan to your face at least 48 hours before your tattoo appointment. The activators and certain ingredients of the tan can disturb the tattoo pigment and risk colour change. After your tattoo, avoid tanning for at least 2 weeks on the face / brow area.
You cannot get tattooed if your skin is sunburnt, including even a slight pinkness from sun exposure.
Topical Anaesthetic
- There are different strengths of anaesthetic creams available. The Beauty Extract are not qualified medical practitioners and make no representations in relation to the suitability of any anaesthetic product for your body or for the procedure.
- Anaesthetic can be ordered from Elixir Compounding Pharmacy, Shop 18 / 1880 Ferntree Gully, Rd, Ferntree Gully, 9758 8375. (You can seek a different Compounding Pharmacy if there is one closer to you.) The pharmacist will determine your suitability for topical anaesthetics and decide which one will suit you best, based on consulting with you. Usually, this pharmacist will recommend a mix similar to:
- PRE NUMB 10% mix of - 4% Tetracaine, 6% Lignocaine, in a liposome base 5g.
- DURING NUMB 10% mix of - 4% Tetracaine, 6% Lignocaine, 0.1% epinephrine in 3g size. This needs to be kept in the fridge.
- This is approximately $45. Be sure to order as soon as possible as this is a compounded mix and may take a day or two to be made. Please ensure the expiry of the product will still be valid at time of your appointment/s.
- It is advised to talk to your doctor and pharmacist about the different strengths of anaesthetic, if you have any concerns / health conditions or contraindications to anaesthetic, and to determine which one may be best for you.
Brow Cosmetic Tattoo
Instructions for anaesthetic:
It is recommended to arrive with a PRE numbing cream applied for your cosmetic brow tattoo procedures, (unless discussed otherwise).
Please follow the directions and required timing for the numbing agent before your appointment.
For example, 45mins before your appointment you should apply a thick layer of the anaesthetic cream to your brows, then cover with glad wrap. Follow the instructions carefully. The glad wrap stops the cream from drying out. Arrive at your appointment with the glad wrap on. If the numbing cream is not applied correctly it will not work.
Please also bring the PRE numbing cream with you to your appointment/s and the DURING numb.
This is applicable for every appointment. Please ensure the anaesthetic date has not expired before any adjustment or maintenance session, or you will need to purchase more.
With your consent, the use of topical anaesthetics may be applied during your procedure, this may contain Lignocaine, Lidocaine, Tetracaine, Prilocaine, Epinephrine etc.

Eyeliner Cosmetic Tattoo
Instructions for anaesthetic:
Please bring the PRE and DURING numbing cream with you to your appointment/s.
This is applicable for every appointment. Please ensure the anaesthetic date has not expired before any adjustment or maintenance session, or you will need to purchase more.
With your consent, the use of topical anaesthetics may be applied during your procedure, this may contain Lignocaine, Lidocaine, Tetracaine, Prilocaine, Epinephrine etc.

Lip Cosmetic Tattoo
Instructions for anaesthetic:
Please bring the PRE and DURING numbing cream with you to your appointment/s.
This is applicable for every appointment. Please ensure the anaesthetic date has not expired before any adjustment or maintenance session, or you will need to purchase more.
With your consent, the use of topical anaesthetics may be applied during your procedure, this may contain Lignocaine, Lidocaine, Tetracaine, Prilocaine, Epinephrine etc.
Preventative medications:
- It is REQUIRED FOR ALL lip tattoo appointments (initial, adjustment and maintenance sessions) to take preventative cold sore medication prior and after any lip tattoo appointment. You must speak to your doctor and get a script for Valtex or something similar if they believe something is better suited for you.
- Over a 5 day period it is recommended to take 1 Valtrex tablet each day, 4 days prior to your tattoo and the morning of and the day after your lip tattoo. This is a suggested dosage, you must speak to your doctor to see what is best suited for you. This cold sore treatment will help to reduce the risk of getting an outbreak or will lower the severity if you happen to get one.
- It's also recommended to speak to the chemist about the possibility of taking Lysine in the lead up to your tattoo and while it is healing (at least 2 weeks prior and after). This helps reduce the risk of getting a cold sore particularly if you have had one in the past. For those who have not had cold sores, it is still recommended to speak to the chemist about taking some in the weeks leading up to your tattoo and while it is healing. This will help to reduce the risk and or severity if the virus lays dormant in your body.
- If you feel a cold sore coming on after a Lip Tattoo procedure, you can ask the pharmacist for Famvir. This medication is to be taken once the onset of a cold sore has started. Check with your pharmacist for recommended dosage.
Do anything you can to try to reduce the risk of getting a cold sore outbreak. The Beauty Extract will not be held liable in the event you get an outbreak or infection. Your outcome may be impacted if a cold sore outbreak happens during your healing stage.

If you have any questions please call us on 9119 5678.